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Content by tag : social media


In Brussels, the majority of tweets, or messages sent via social networking service Twitter, come from the city centre, according to an update of the Twitter map of the world, created by American


Twitter has announced it will open an office in Brussels at the beginning of 2015, where it will employ about five people, reports De Tijd.


Manon Van Hoorebeke, a student in the Bornem district of Antwerp, has been selected as European Digital Girl of the Year in Rome for her efforts in encouraging girls’ interest in technology.


Seventeen-year-old Belgian Axelle Despiegelaere, who became famous after being repeatedly photographed in the stadium at one of this year’s World Cup games in Brazil, has cinched her first assignm


Limited access to social media and messaging apps on the work floor leads to disobedient employees, according to based on a study by Samsung.


Hasselt’s PXL University College and the Knowledge Centre for Media Literacy are collaborating to provide a free course in media literacy beginning next January.


It is gradually becoming a craze in the Netherlands, but in Belgium the so-called ‘stemfie’ – a photo taken of oneself in the voting booth – is prohibited.


LinkedIn claims to have reached the milestone of 2 million members in Belgium, putting Belgium among the top 10 countries in the world with the highest number of active LinkedIn users.


Sven Luckermans, the travel blogger behind "Mr. Good Life", made a list of six things that foreigners do that annoy Belgians.
