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Content by tag : tourism


There’s nothing dull about tourism in Wallonia. The region is full of eyebrow-raising, jaw-dropping, breathtakingly quirky events, sights and accommodation.


The French region of Normandy is a delight: historic towns, lush countryside and coastal walks. Filled with tourists in the summer, off-season it’s quieter but no less charming.


There were 1 million more overnight stays in Flanders in the first six months of this year compared to the same period last year, good for an 8% increase.


Brussels' famous Manneken Pis has been named one of the world's most "overhyped, over-rated tourist traps to avoid at all costs".


Until 1921, Laeken in the north was its own municipality, but for almost the past 100 years it’s been part of the City of Brussels.


Brussels might attract fewer foreign travellers than Paris or London - but those who do come here spend more money on average, according to new data revealed by Mastercard.


Hot weather, a Nato summit and the Flower Carpet have all contributed to the Brussels hotel sector celebrating one of its best summers in recent years.


Cycling Through Water, Limburg’s sunken cycle bridge, has made Time magazine’s Greatest Places list for 2018. The annual list includes unique and awe-inspiring sites around the world.


When the apologies for the design of Brussels Flower Carpet started emerging, some people got worried.
