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Discounts on electric cars via government-sponsored group buy

19:46 23/01/2019

Residents of Flanders are invited to register for a group buy of electric cars. This makes the purchase of an electric car, which intimidates some people, more affordable.

The offer is a follow-up to the campaign Van Euh? naar Aha! (From Huh? to Aha!), which provided information about electric cars, answering basic questions and dispelling some of the myths. “Many people have cold feet when it comes to electric vehicles,” says Flemish energy minister Lydia Peeters. “The goal of the campaign was to tackle the misunderstandings. With the group purchase, we’re providing a way to take the step.”

To help fulfil its 2020 action plan Clean Power for Transport, the government of Flanders is working to make 7.5% of all cars registered in the region electric. Currently the figure is less than 2%. Hence the Aha! campaign, which went over info like the impact of driving on the environment, how far and long electric motors can operate before needing to be charged, the prevalence of loading stations and tax advantages.

Residents who are convinced can now check out how to buy a car at a discount based on a quantity sales model. Four brands are on offer: Nissan Leaf, Hyundai Kona, Peugeot iON and Renault Zoe. Prices start at about €16,500, after both the Flemish government’s subsidy and the group buy discount is applied, down from list prices that start around €25,000.

Anyone in Belgium can sign up for the group purchase until 15 May, including companies. Only Flanders-based individuals or companies can, however, take advantage of the extra subsidy offered by the Flemish government.

Written by Flanders Today