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Fuel tax frozen in 2019 after 'yellow vests' protest
A planned new-year increase in fuel duty in Belgium has been scrapped - saving drivers about €1 on a 60-litre refuel at the pump.
The Belgian council of ministers agreed that tax on petrol and diesel will remain frozen at 2018 levels. Excise duties account for about 60 cents per litre of fuel, and were due to increase by 2.08% on 1 January.
"This would have resulted in an excise duty increase of 1.3 cents per litre, or 1.5 cents with VAT included," said Olivier Neirynch, technical director at the Belgian Federation of Fuel Dealers. "On a full 60-litre tank, that corresponds to almost a euro."
The price freeze only applies to the tax on fuel - the price paid at the pump will continue to fluctuate based on the variable costs of a barrel of oil, production and distribution.
A spokesman for Belgian prime minister Charles Michel said the decision was "not a direct result" of the recent protests by "yellow vests" in Brussels and Wallonia, who have been campaigning against high fuel prices and the overall cost of living.
But the spokesman added: "We are not insensitive to some of the concerns raised by citizens in recent weeks."
About 1,000 protestors took part in Saturday's yellow vests demonstration in Brussels. Police made 450 arrests, mainly for carrying prohibited and dangerous objects, throwing projectiles and acts of rebellion.
One police officer was taken to hospital with face injuries. Prosecutors have brought charges against 10 demonstrators.
Photo: James Arthur Gekiere/Belga