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Global circus show Alis comes to Cirque Royal on 30 and 31 December

Alis contemporary circus show at Cirque Royal
16:02 14/12/2022
The Bulletin has pairs of tickets to give away for two performances of the acrobatic show

Acrobatic spectacle Alis is a contemporary circus show featuring star turns by Le Cirque World Top Performers. 

Staged at Cirque Royal in Brussels from 29 to 31 December, the global show immerses audience in an emotional and breath-taking display of new-wave circus skills.

Alis, subtitled ‘the power of dreams’ consists of 12 original numbers performed by an exceptional cast of 23 artists. They include international stars as well as new talents, carefully selected by the company Le Cirque WTP.

Tightrope walkers, acrobats, jugglers and musicians present world-premières of the numbers that have already attracted more than 200,000 spectators around the world.

Alis takes the audience on an imaginary journey that explores the strengths and fragilities of human beings, inspired by 19th-century fantasy literature and novelist Lewis Carroll's masterpiece The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland.

The two-hour show does not feature animals. Further information and tickets here

29 & 30 December 20.00
31 December 16.00 & 21.45
Cirque Royal
Rue de l’enseignement 81
Brussels. Sorry! Our prize giveaway has now closed and the winners have been notified.


Written by The Bulletin