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Infrabel provides place of worship for Muslim SNCB employees

17:00 13/07/2015

Railway infrastructure manager Infrabel has turned an unused room in Brussels South Station into a place of worship for the Muslim employees of Belgian rail company SNCB. Until recently, the employees were using the staff kitchen for their daily prayer sessions, writes News of the prayer room comes from an announcement made by federal minister for railways Jacqueline Galant in answer to a question from MP Wouter Raskin.

"Employees who wish to, may retreat to the room for a few minutes to pray,” the minister explained. “This decision, which is supported by the unions, was made after several workers complained about the behaviour of some Muslim colleagues, who were using the kitchen to kneel down and pray during their break."

"We are following the example of other companies and institutions in Belgium," said Infrabel spokeswoman Sophie Van Den Woestyne in La Capitale. "We are also adhering to the law which calls for creating a sense of well-being in the workplace. This is a reasonable solution, as stipulated by law, and one that is acceptable for everyone."

The spokeswoman stressed that it is not a prayer room that is being provided, but “an empty and unused room” which has been made available for that purpose.

Written by Robyn Boyle



A "law which calls for creating a sense of well-being in the workplace" - wow!
Congratulations to Infrabel for this step.

Jul 17, 2015 13:55