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Le Baixu music venue launches third season with birthday celebration 12 to 15 September

23:04 10/09/2024

The second anniversary of cultural and social hub Le Baixu at Tour & Taxis is celebrated in a colourful programme this weekend.

Le Baixu’s special birthday line-up from 13 to 15 September epitomises the venue’s eclectic and quality music programming. Jazz, classical music, family concerts and Brazilian sounds perfectly illustrate the mission at the heart of this altruistic project.

It was in the Bahia province of Brazil that Martine Renwart first set up a charitable venture to help a poor fishing community. To raise money, she drew on her experience of artistic programming at La Monnaie opera house to organise fundraising concerts.

After 12 years in South America, she returned to Belgium and combined her love for Brazil and music by founding Le Baixu. “The name means beautiful in the Pataxos Indian language, which ties in with my story of combining beautiful music with a social and community project,” explains Renwart.


The nonprofit serves as a springboard for young and emerging talent in classical, jazz and world music. “When they come out of music school, the venue is an opportunity for them to step onto a stage, record, meet other musicians and use the space for rehearsals for almost no charge,” she adds.

Le Baixu has a clear social mission that targets children, youth and the local community with workshops as well as concerts. “Everyone is welcome, especially people who don’t have much contact with culture,” insists Renwart, who recognises the ongoing challenge of attracting residents from the up-and-coming neighbourhood. A collaboration with La Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale de Molenbeek is one fruitful project.

That’s why the pricing structure of the multidisciplinary space remains affordable with tickets costing a maximum of €15.


Birthday weekend

The programme this weekend is a showcase of Le Baixu’s musical ambition. It kicks off on Thursday 12 September with Orlando, a jazz project led by renowned Belgian saxophonist Toine Thys. It continues on Friday evening with classical music violin/cello duo, Tatiana Samouil and Justus Grimm, a couple who rarely perform together.

On Saturday afternoon, it’s the turn of urban artist Tom Itterbeek to present his sketch Drink and Draw with music by the Brassart Trio. For the evening, the stage is given to Brazilian Landscape, a quintet headed by London-based Mario Bakuna that will transform the venue into a Latino party.

Young audiences are catered for in a family classical music concert on Sunday morning, followed by chanson with eclectic musician Catherine De Biasio in Les yeux ouverts. Finally, the mini festival ends with a flourish with Ensemble Alwane. The world music group is made up of women from the Maghreb and the DRC who are accompanied by multinational musicians.

Season highlights

Looking ahead, the 2023/2024 season is filled with musical and cultural projects. Among the highlights are literary evenings and three festivals centred on tango, literature and the African continent.


Le Baixu regularly collaborates with partners to offer audiences quality performances. For the African festival from 14 to 16 March, Rwandan singer-songwriter and poet Injonge (pictured) is performing as well as helping to organise the event that will trace the roots of African music and involve artists from the African diaspora in Belgium.

Underground venue

Located in a cellar of the industrial heritage Tour & Taxis site, Le Baixu is an atmospheric venue that provides a perfect backdrop for intimate concerts.


Exposed old brick walls, reinforced beams and warehouse doors are a reminder of the underground depot’s former life, while oriental rugs and retro furnishings inject a cosy shabby chic design ethos.

Situated directly under the Brussels Ecole de Cirque, the 150m2 space seats 80 and has standing room for 120. It boasts excellent acoustics, which is a big draw for musicians and recording sessions.

The launch of the musical and multidisciplinary space in 2022 was the result of a crowdfunding initiative. Renwart initially founded the project with Emmanuel De Ryckel, but now leads it on her own with the continuing support of musicians, friends and former colleagues who all share her vision for promoting musical talent while contributing to the local community.

Le Baixu
Rue Picard 3
Tour & Taxis
1000 Brussels

Written by Sarah Crew