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Brussels Pride attracts 200,000 participants

09:33 22/05/2024

An estimated 200,000 people took part in Brussels Pride celebrations this weekend under the theme of ‘Safe Everyday Everywhere’.

A Pride Village was set up in the Belgian capital and various events were held, including the annual Pride March on Saturday.

“Brussels Pride in the capital of Europe is an opportunity to celebrate diversity, but also to defend and demand LGBTQIA+ rights, to make society more inclusive and egalitarian,” said Visit.Brussels.

“For 10 days, concerts, screenings, performances and workshops were offered to the public. This year also saw a number of meetings with European delegations, including the conference 'The Meaning of Prides', where other Prides in Europe were examined and the impact of such events on society was discussed.”

Some aspects of this year’s Pride celebration were unique due to the fact that Belgium currently holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union, including the presence of a number of European delegations.

A new system for managing security during the celebration was also in place. A ‘Safer Zone’ was set up at the bottom of the Mont des Arts where volunteers and professionals trained to provide support and psychosocial or medical assistance were on standby.

“From the stage on Mont des Arts to the Pride Village, from the street parties and performances in the Brussels Rainbow Village to the many celebrations of the richness and diversity of the Brussels queer scenen, the festivities in the capital's various neighbourhoods capital continued until the early hours,” Visit.Brussels added. coordinated the event in collaboration with Rainbow House and Brussels Rainbow Village.

Photo: Laurie Dieffembacq/Belga

Written by Helen Lyons