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Belgian police discover stash of 3.3m illegal cigarettes in Hasselt warehouse

13:38 27/07/2024

Some 3.3 million illegal cigarettes have been discovered in a Hasselt warehouse during a local police operation, reports RTBF.

Four people were arrested during the operation, said the Limburg police force, who made the discovery while checking a suspicious vehicle near a warehouse belonging to a local business.

Following the indications of a police dog, a large sum of money was found in a hidden compartment of the vehicle. The police seized the money as well as several mobile phones.

During an ensuing search of the premises, the officers came across the illegal cigarettes, which represented almost €1.6m in evaded duties and excise taxes.

The four men arrested were aged 31 to 42. The case has now been transferred to customs officials.

Photo: Limburg police Facebook page (illustration only)

Written by The Bulletin