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In dangerous situation, need help


Long story short, I ignored the advice of everyone and came to Belgium from the US to meet the man of my dreams. Well, that turned out to be a nightmare. The police have been here many times in the past week and a half, called by HIM when he's drunk and stoned on sleeping pills. He finally bought a plane ticket for me to leave but is making me wait two weeks. He's more abusive all the time and I need to get out ASAP. I don't have the money for a ticket on my own, and I don't even have a way to get to the airport. I don't have a phone either and can't use his. I have emailed the embassy but haven't heard anything from them. What can I do? I'm really afraid, and I don't scare easily. If possible please email me with advice. Thank you.



Take the ticket to the plane company and explain the problem. Ask them to put you on the next available flight.
Airport - sneak on a train without paying. If you get checked, they will put the fine in the post.

Oct 29, 2013 16:06

I tried to explain to the ticket booking company but they said to change it would cost almost 400 euro more. I don't have it.

Also, there is no train station near me.

Thank you for your response, I wasn't sure anyone read these! :-)

Oct 29, 2013 16:25

"there are three general helplines - one in flemish (106), one in french (107) and one in German (108), which are available for anyone in trouble but not especially for women survivors of violence. their telephone service is available free of charge, 24 hours a day. limited english language support is also available"

Your best bet of finding someone who speaks English is probably 106.

Oct 29, 2013 16:34
kim at

Call the embassy.... they are obliged to help you out. They can provide you a shelter till you leave BE.

Take care,


Oct 29, 2013 16:37

Thank you, everyone! I will keep emailing the embassy until they respond. I don't have a phone and can't use his.

Oct 29, 2013 17:14

skype the embassy!

Oct 29, 2013 17:26

Tetedelacourse1, put your address with your email, tell them you have no money, no phone and no way of getting to them unless they can send someone to you - stress the urgency of this, he is abusing you and therefore you are in danger. Also try the police, they are there to protect you as well. I really hope you manage to get away soon. Good luck

Oct 29, 2013 17:27

There is a community support line available in english:

Community Help Service Helpline
24 hour crisis and information service in English Tel: 02 648 40 14
Victim Support Agency Tel: 02 537 66 10 (I'm sure someone will speak English).
Perhaps you could go directly to the ticket counter at the airport to get your ticket changed at no additional fee? This works in the US. Good Luck! I have been in the exact same situation as you, but in the US.

Oct 29, 2013 22:03

Not being mean, but you are American. GO TO THE EMBASSY!!!!!!!!!!! Do not email if you email ti is not urgent and they wont put anything is writing anyway.... think scandals .... Where are you. I am sure someone could offer you a lift? Or go outside and start walking and ask people for police station or train. Or Arts Loi.... Walk even if it takes you hours you'll be safe.

Oct 30, 2013 10:04

I do not want to be cynical but you seem to ignore every sensitive advise coming from the people in this forum and finding excuses not to take them.
are you only interested in the money to buy a ticket back allegedly?

i think going to the embassy,which is located in Parc Royal, is the most obvious choice for you. No matter how far you are from the centre but it cannot be more than 2 hours walk.

Oct 30, 2013 11:08
