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Flemish Parliament apologises for sexual abuse of children
Jan Peumans, the speaker of the Flemish Parliament, made a public apology yesterday on behalf of “the whole of Flemish society” to past and future victims of child sexual abuse. The apology was printed out and placed in a frame to hang in the parliament building. The declaration follows a recent resolution calling on the parliament to acknowledge sexual abuse in youth and educational establishments during the period 1930 to 1990.
The declaration was signed by Peumans and the three MPs who initiated it – Else De Wachter (SP.A), Katrien Schryvers (CD&V) and Lies Jans (N-VA). It acknowledged that “prominent people in youth and educational institutions were guilty of improper conduct and the use of unjustified violence.” The apology also noted that many of the victims were not believed, which added to the trauma they suffered.
The prominent Flemish child psychiatrist Peter Adriaenssens praised the gesture as it “sent out an important message” and “helped victims come to terms with the abuse”. It doesn’t bring an end to their suffering, he said, “but it will lessen the pain”.
The initiative was steered through parliament by Flemish welfare minister Jo Vandeurzen, who set up a committee in 2013 to look into the mounting allegations of sexual abuse in religious and educational institutions in Belgium over several decades. “One of the recommendations was to organise a public moment where apologies would be made,” he said. “This moment is very important. It demonstrates our commitment to the future: We acknowledge that things happened that should not have happened, and we declare that we as a society will be more alert in future.”
photo, from left: Else De Wachter, speaker Jan Peumans, Katrien Schryvers, welfare minister Jo Vandeurzen and Lies Jans present their official apology to the public