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Illegal working


Someone at work is being employed illegally. Who do I report it to?


Why do you want to report this someone? And why did your employer not employ this person legally? What needs to be done to employ the person legally?

Apr 30, 2014 09:45

Assuming that you are sure they're being employed illegally, you can report it to the social security or tax authorities.

Apr 30, 2014 09:56

Complex situation. The guy is basically employed by an intermediary company who is providing him as a contractor and paying him outside Belgium, so he has no access to Belgian healthcare or benefits. So his employer is basically defrauding both him and the FISC. If we can trigger an investigation, the company in the middle ought to end up in such a mess that they (deservedly) have to fork out a fortune in fines and back taxes. He can then transfer to another agency and carry on working as normal, and we ought to be able to catch other people in similar situations being exploited by the same company.

Apr 30, 2014 13:00
anon Apr 30, 2014 14:17

Get a life moron

Apr 30, 2014 17:16

What a pity. Is that J who regularly contributes but may be a little prickly?

Or a set up?

Either way, Isabella and Stevey7, you have shown scant respect for a public forum. Insults and mudslinging are poor form. I won't reply to any of your queries in future.

Not that you may care. I don't.

Apr 30, 2014 19:09

Or a phish.

Apr 30, 2014 19:10

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain

Apr 30, 2014 20:22

It is indeed a bizarre situation, since "J" is usually the one with all the answers. Perhaps someone has hacked into his account, though I doubt it.

Apr 30, 2014 20:33

No - I just needed to bounce some ideas around discretely.

And discretion is why I'll keep the full story to myself.

Apr 30, 2014 23:02
