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Government introduces 12 anti-terrorist measures

12:31 19/01/2015

The federal government is working to rush through a series of 12 measures to combat terrorism following the police shooting of two terrorists in Verviers last week. The measures include the deployment of troops on the streets of Brussels and Antwerp to support the police, following information that the Verviers terrorist cell planned imminent attacks on police stations.

Federal justice minister Koen Geens (pictured) also wants the state to have additional power to revoke Belgian passports and residence permits from people who are seen as a threat to security.

Those imprisoned on terrorism charges will also be prevented from gathering with other inmates to prevent them spreading radical ideas, Geens announced. They will also receive extra monitoring and specialised counselling.

The government also wants to make inroads into privacy legislation to allow security services to monitor phone conversations and tap into Facebook posts, according to federal privacy minister Bart Tommelein. “We want to maintain the right to privacy, but we also have to respect citizens’ right to safety,” he said.

The government has added several new categories to the list of terrorist offences and adjusted legislation to make it easier to deal with terrorists in court. Interior minister Jan Jambon is also putting pressure on US-based internet giants such as YouTube, Google and Microsoft to prevent the spread of extremist propaganda and hate speech.

Several opposition politicians have criticised the measures, which they see as too extreme. Socialist leader Bruno Tobback argued that “it is wrong to answer extremism with extremism. … We have to be absolutely clear that the use of the military as well as the limiting of privacy and basic rights would only be temporary. The government has to make that clear because if they don’t, then they have allowed the terrorists to change our society.” 


photo by Francois Lenoir/Reuters/Corbis

Written by Derek Blyth



We do indeed need to protect the public from these nasty people, but we have already seen what can happen when we hand too much power to the Police in the abuse of section 44 of the prevention of terrorism act in the UK.

Tens of thousands of innocent people stopped and searched and even arrested under the act when there was absolutely no legitimate reason whatsoever to invoke section 44, many of them being people who were taking part in peaceful and democratic protest.

History shows quite clearly that if power can be abused, it will be.

Jan 20, 2015 11:50