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Brussels' second Primark store to open next month

19:48 19/03/2019

A second Primark store is set to open in Brussels on 15 April. The new store will be located on Chaussée d'Ixelles. 

The store has an area of 5,550 m², with 48 cash registers and 60 changing rooms. It will provide around 400 new jobs. 

Before the first Primark opened on Rue Neuve in 2014, people spent hours waiting in queues for the store to open, with fences even put up to maintain public order.

This will be the seventh store in Belgium, and the second in Brussels. The new store will open at 10.00 on Monday, 15 April.

Written by Sophia Moll



Where in Chaussee d'Ixelles, I wonder!

Mar 19, 2019 21:31

Yes, where on the Chaussée d'Ixelles? I think I can already guess but why not mention it?

Mar 20, 2019 12:08

Searched online and found it: 63 Chaussée d'Ixelles. So down in the car-free zone.

Mar 20, 2019 12:17