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Mixed feedback as summer sales near end

09:57 26/07/2024

The summer sales seem like to end on a mixed note, according to the Union des Classes Moyennes (UCM), which represents small business owners.

While the result is slightly better than in 2023, the gloomy weather and consumers' reduced interest in this period of discounts have dampened sales, the organisation said.

The success of the designated seasonal sales periods has been waning for several years now, in part because many retailers offer discounts all throughout the year. The only special feature of the seasonal period now is that sales at a loss are permitted.

“It's an opportunity for retailers to rebuild their cash flow while clearing stocks in preparation for the arrival of new goods,” said UCM spokesperson Andy Prevooe.

“This is important, even if each discount granted represents – and let's not forget that – a loss of income for the retailer.”

According to the UCM, over 90% of transactions during the sales were carried out electronically, a finding that is not exactly surprising, given the obligation to offer an electronic means of payment.

“On the other hand, it would be a mistake to attribute this solely to a change in consumer behaviour,” the UCM added.

UCM condemned the fact that “access to and management of cash are becoming increasingly complicated, both for the customer and the retailer”.

Written by Helen Lyons