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'Facts about Belgium' site aims to inform new migrants

09:14 24/04/2019

The Foreigners Office has launched a campaign to discourage migrants from seeking asylum in the country.

A website,, aims to tackle some misconceptions and address what life is like for people seeking asylum in Brussels. There is also a Facebook campaign that targets specific groups of people, such as Palestinians and Moroccans. 

The Foreign Office said the statements were meant to counter rumours and false information that is spread on social networks that may convince people to leave their home countries for Belgium. 

The site includes answers to questions such as: "Can I easily build a life in Belgium?"

One answer reads: "Life in Belgium is not so easy. As an example: in order to lead a comfortable life, both parents have to work."

Written by Sophia Moll



in order to lead a comfortable life, both parents have to work hahahaha......oh my god ! you mean like the other 99% of the world ? please tell me one place in the world where man and wife don't both have to work ?

May 8, 2019 12:05