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Leopold III cycle bridge to open in April

14:39 19/12/2023

A 700-metre pedestrian and cycle bridge that has been installed on Boulevard Leopold III on the outskirts of Brussels will open to the public in April 2024.

The bridge links the Harenweg in Zaventem with the Sint-Stevens-Woluwestraat in Machelen, near Eurocontrol and Nato headquarters, offering pedestrians and cyclists a safer alternative for crossing the major artery.

It will be the longest cycle and pedestrian bridge in Flanders, according to the regional authorities.

Construction began at the end of 2022 and there is still some finishing work to be done on the pavement and the connections with the existing cycle paths.

The bridge will be almost eight metres wide and, once operational, will enable users crossing the boulevard to avoid a 1km detour via the Avenue du Bourget and Avenue de la Fusée.

The structure will also cross the terminus for Stib tram line 62, with staircases providing access to the tram stops.

The new bridge also provides a link between the future Brussels ring road cycle path and the F201 cycle route, also under construction, which will link the airport to the centre of Brussels.

The Flemish government is investing €11.7 million in the project.

Written by Helen Lyons