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More Belgians choose beer when dining out

More and more Belgians opt for beer with their meal when dining out. While wine remains the most popular beverage ordered at restaurants, beer is quickly gaining ground, according to the 11th annual Beer Barometer. The Barometer, an initiative of the Beer & Society Information Center in...

Secretary of State Francken makes embarrassing Twitter blunder

Belgium's Secretary of State and member of the Flemish nationalist party N-VA , Theo Francken, made an embarrassing blunder on Twitter, writes Knack. In the tweet, Francken accused a member of the Flemish Youth Council of “tweeting under the name 'Jihad'”, but that's just her first name. The...

More women apply for job with Brussels fire brigade

The latest recruitment campaign by the Brussels fire brigade reeled in 409 applications from women, an increase of about 62% since the last recruitment campaign in 2012, which resulted in 252 female candidates, writes Bruzz. "We are pleased that our efforts to promote diversity within the fire...

Flemish language decree in breach of EU regulations

A Flemish law requiring companies to draw up legal documents only in Dutch is in breach of EU law, according to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. The rule is in conflict with the free movement of goods, the court said. The ruling concerns mainly invoices. Companies in Flanders are...

Tax inspectors re-open investigation into Optima money laundering

Federal finance minister Johan Van Overtveldt (pictured) has asked the special tax unit (BBI) to re-open an investigation into suspected money laundering activities of the Ghent-based Optima bank, which was declared bankrupt earlier this month. The investigation into the use of Luxembourg insurance...

Refuelling in Luxembourg remains most economical

Luxembourg remains the neighbouring country with the lowest fuel costs for Belgian holiday-goers, according to a survey by Belgian motoring organisation Touring. The study compared the prices of gasoline and diesel fuel in various European countries. The results reveal that Luxembourg is still the...

City2 bomb alarm was false, belt contained salt and biscuits

A man was arrested on Tuesday morning at the City2 shopping mall in Brussels' Rue Neuve after the police received a call from the suspect himself, saying he was wearing a bomb belt. No explosives were found, writes De Morgen based on a report from the Brussels public prosecutor. Police received a...

Fan zone reopens at Rogier

The designated fan zone for the European Championship (Euro 2016) at Brussels' Place Rogier is open again after it was closed briefly on Tuesday due to a false bomb alarm at the City2 shopping mall. "The square is the safest place in Belgium," organiser Jeronimo Moreira told Bruzz. This evening's...

Blankenberge prohibits begging in most of city

The Blankenberge city council’s decision to ban begging in busy areas of the coastal town has been described as “disturbing” by the Flemish Human Rights League. The group intends to file a legal complaint against the move. Blankenberge has banned begging in busy parts of town, as well as in the...

Brussels concert halls celebrate universal language of migration

Referring to refugees as if they are one coherent group makes us forget that there are as many individual stories as there are people. World Refugee Day on 20 June serves as a reminder of that, with commemorative concerts, lectures and exhibitions organised throughout the world. While the refugees...
