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Belgium is fourth best country for work-life balance, study shows

Belgium scores among the top five in a list of countries with the best work-life balance, according to a study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The Better Life Index is a comparison of well-being across countries, based on 11 topics the OECD has identified as...

Culture Beat: 15 January

Performances from and about Tunisia come to Bozar in a mini-festival organised by Moussem, a “nomadic arts centre” focused on the Arabic world. The idea of the event is to explore the role the arts can play in Tunisia’s new, still-fragile democracy and to showcase work by Tunisian performers. Join...

Companies have right to track employee internet use, rules European Court

Businesses are allowed to follow the online behaviour of their employees, ruled the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) after a case in which an employee was sacked for holding private chat conversations during working hours, writes De Morgen . In 2007, Bogdan Mihai Barbulescu was dismissed by a...

New shopping centres: Uplace or Neo but not both, says Vervoort

The Brussels-Capital Region has room for one new major shopping centre but not two, according to minister-president Rudi Vervoort. “I don’t think Neo and Uplace can exist side by side,” he said. “There is only room in the market for one project of that size, and, in my opinion, it will be Neo.” Neo...

More and more films shot in Brussels

Never before were so many films shot in Brussels as in 2015, with a total of 331 productions made in the region, an increase of 57% in the past five years. Brussels is an especially popular location for commercials and television programmes, but there were also 37 feature films shot there last year...

Cars less popular among Belgian commuters

The car is still the most common means of transport for Belgians travelling between home and the workplace, but its popularity has been on the decline since 2005, as commuters are increasingly inclined to take the bike or public transport, reports De Morgen . In 2014, 65.6% of commuters in Belgium...

Belgian property sales rose again in 2015

In Belgium last year, 6.4% more homes were sold than in 2014, according to the 2015 Notary Barometer released by the Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries (KFBN). It is the seventh year in a row that the number of property sales increased in the country, reports De Morgen . The average is pulled...

Three Belgian hideouts identified in Paris attacks investigation

Investigators in Belgium have now identified three properties believed to have been used by the suspects in the 13 November Paris terror attacks. The Belgian federal prosecutor has confirmed that an apartment in Charleroi was rented under a false identity and is thought to have been used as a...

Bruges food and beer hall offers quality and quantity

Belgium is rich in the variety of beers on offer, but how’s a person to get around them all without ending up in a puddle on the floor? One answer is tasting small quantities of a wide selection. The Flemish beer association Zythos, which organises the country’s largest beer festival in Leuven in...

Brussels by numbers: Facts and figures for a truly international city

The Brussels region is home to 180 nationalities, with 108 different languages spoken, and more than 55% of residents were not born Belgian. These are some of the findings from a newly published report - the third edition of a major research project by the Brussels regional government and tourism...
