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Belgian deficit to be contained at 2.15% in 2014

Belgium’s federal government agreed about a minimal stimulus package as part of a 2014 budget deal that relies on an economic recovery to boost tax revenue and meet the deficit goals agreed with the European Commission, writes Bloomberg’s John Martens . The budget assumes fiscal takings will rise...

Nobel prize for 'one of the brightest minds in Belgium'

Francois Englert (pictured left) from Belgium and Peter Higgs, from the UK, have won the Nobel prize in physics for their work on the theory of the Higgs boson. In the 1960s they were among several physicists who proposed a mechanism to explain why the most basic building blocks of the Universe...

Communes could call on the long-term unemployed

Senator Rik Daems wants the benefits granted to the long-term unemployed to be paid out in return for mandatory community service. Any person who has not worked for a year should report one day a week to their town hall to help with simple administrative tasks or with the maintenance of public...

Belgium’s efforts against corruption ‘insufficient’

The fight against corruption is inadequate in Belgium, according to a report by Transparency International published today in De Standaard . The NGO ranks Belgium in the worst category with "little or no enforcement" when it comes to the "export of corruption", together with Russia, Chile, Mexico...

Driverless car parking tested in Belgium

Ford is experimenting with two new ground-breaking technologies in Belgium, writes USA Today’s Chris Woodyard : one that allows a car to park itself without a driver inside and another that automatically turns the steering wheel to avoid hitting a pedestrian. While there are no concrete plans to...

Bruges to host EU shale gas summit

Bruges will host the 'European Shale Gas Summit' on January 28 and 29 next year, the European Commission’s Community Research and Development Information Service has announced. The event aims to stimulate discussion among participants en route towards an EU wide regulatory policy on shale gas. This...

Belgium calls for reconciliation in Egypt

Belgian deputy prime minister and foreign minister Didier Reynders yesterday expressed "deep concern" over the level of violence that continues to affect Egypt and threatens both political and socio-economic stability. Reynders in a statement deplored the death of many people in acts of violence in...

When Place Lux got a taste of Flanders...

As an expat living in Brussels, I have to confess I don’t know a huge amount about Flanders other than the normal tourist trail such as Ghent and Bruges and shopping in Antwerp. Flemish public service broadcaster VRT identified a need to do more for people like myself and, as a result, has launched...

Botanique, éclectique

Originally from Amsterdam, 58-year-old Geert Kliphuis came to Brussels in 1974.Four years ago, he moved from Watermael-Boitsfort to Saint-Josse. “I felt at home in Watermael, but once I get too comfortable, it’s time to move on,” he says. “Saint-Josse has more than 150 nationalities. And even...

State security will no longer protect ministers

The security service in charge of protecting ministers and heads of state against potential attacks is to be scrapped, De Morgen and Het Laatste Nieuws report. The 60 security agents who were assigned to this function will now incorporate a special unit of 120 police officers charged with ensuring...
