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The bagels of Brussels

Obviously, I refer first and foremost to the bagel. Although the Jewish community of Antwerp provides a refuge for some, the bagel battle in Brussels is a bitter one. Most bakers’ bagel-exposure seems to have been limited to photographs. Thankfully, a few establishments are doing their homework and saving us all from our bagel-less misery.

Running for Retrak: Week 16

So, it's all over: 20 kilometres, 37,000 people, a couple of hours and a few hundred euros for a good cause. And all of it surprisingly enjoyable. Hurts like hell now, of course, and the uphill stretch a few km from the end followed by the murderous cobbles at the entry to Cinquantenaire were quite...

Genocide suspect used forged passport to enter Belgium

Genocide suspect Charles Bandora has said he used a forged passport to enter Belgium from Malawi, which resulted in his arrest, writes the New Times’ Edwin Musoni . Bandora who was extradited to Rwanda from Norway in March, yesterday admitted uttering the forged document while appearing before the...

Ghent overturns 6-year old headscarf ban

The city of Ghent has overturned its ban on civil servants wearing headscarves after the ruling Socialist / Green coalition decided to scrap a measure imposed in 2007 when centre-right parties dominated the city council, writes Reuters’ Philip Blenkinsop . More than 10,000 adult citizens, or about...

Emergency services get dedicated mobile 3G network

Belgium’s emergency and security services (including police forces, the fire brigade, civil defence and customs) will be equipped with their first dedicated and secure mobile 3G network. A five-year contract has been awarded to Astrium, an EADS company, who will equip the country’s local and...

Far-right party steals Thatcher slogan for 2014 election

Far-right party Vlaams Belang has borrowed a Thatcher-era slogan to launch its campaign for the 2014 general election. "Give us our money back," proclaims the party, pointing the finger at Belgium’s immigration policy, and the Eurozone crisis and Flemish money being used to help out Wallonia...

State security makes the most of its new competences

State security and military intelligence services used new techniques on 1,789 occasions between September 2010 and December 2012 in order to acquire information, it transpires from figures from the standing control committee for intelligence and security published today in De Tijd. State security...

The Flemish Islands of Canary

The Canary Islands. A somewhat old-fashioned, but still very popular holiday destination for many Belgians. Sun, sea and beach, what more do you want? What many travellers do not know is that a large Flemish community lived on the islands during the 16th century. It is hard to spot traces of the...


I have lived in Etterbeek since 1999 and had never given much thought to the hotel restaurant next to Mérode metro on Avenue Tervuren. The hotel looked tired and I assumed that the restaurant would be of a similar ilk, providing nothing more than standard fare. How wrong I was!

Man dies of heart attack at Brussels 20km

A 53-year old man died after suffering a heart attack during the 34th edition of the Brussels 20km yesterday, Red Cross spokeswoman Nancy Ferroni told Belga. The man fell to the ground as he ran and, despite every effort to revive him, was pronounced dead on arrival at Saint-Luc hospital. The Red...
