Chocolate, beer and witloof – Lille and Brussels have more in common than meets the eye If only Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s vice had been chocolate... He could have left his suite in the Hotel Carlton, sauntered across Lille’s Grand Place and found complete satisfaction among the dark, milky and fruit...
More than 100,000 Belgians ‘flashed’ by speed radars in France Speeding fines are beginning to arrive for the 100,000 Belgian motorists caught on speed radars in France since June 30. Since 2005 there has been a European directive that fines for driving offences committed abroad are sent to...
Let’s hope the sun sticks around in Brussels for the coming weeks. There’s no better way to tackle the hot summer days than with a yummy ice cream or a refreshing plunge in the pool, so here are our favourite picks to cool down. I ce creams Australian Ice-cream : From its first ice-cream parlour,...