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Parcel forwarding services - UK


I want to order something from an UK web site that does not deliver to Belgium. A quick google search resulted in many different services which offer parcel forwarding for precisely this purpose - but there are so many I don't know which one to pick. Does anyone know one they have used and can recommend?


I get things delivered to friends or family who then wonder down to their local Post Office.

Jun 3, 2015 14:19

How absolutely brilliant. Why did I not think of that? Wait, it might just be because I'm not British and have absolutely no friends or family there. Anyway, that's for the extremely useful input!

Jun 3, 2015 19:13
J C Hill

Try talking to Stonemanor. I know they bring stuff from Argos and John Lewis

Jun 4, 2015 08:30

Have you tried contacting the vendor to se if they will post here? Sometimes even if it's not on the website they will offer a rate if you ask. Sorry I never use these services so I can't recommend any.

Jun 4, 2015 12:08

I have asked but no chance whatsoever. It's Marks & Spencer and they just say "We do have an EU web site and via that you can order to Belgium". Yeah sure, except that the EU site has a vastly inferior selection and many products are not available there which ARE available on the UK site. I pointed this out and asked if in this case I could order from the UK site, with delivery to Belgium, and the answer was a categorical NO. I guess they are not that interested in making money..

Jun 4, 2015 13:11

In the spirit of your own attitude RPPKN - you asked M&S, they said no. Not only no, but a categorical No. Deal with it.

Seriously - would it be so difficult to say "thanks, but that's not a possibility for me" rather than being a sarcastic (insert word here..)

Did you say you were or were not British? No, you didn't.
Is it beyond the realms of possibility that you may have friends in the UK that could do what the first poster suggested? No, it isn't.

Here's an idea. Order for in-store delivery. Take a trip over to the UK. Problem solved. Or use Google to look for reviews before coming here.

Jun 4, 2015 13:30

Come on, isn't ordering to the address of friends and family and asking them to forward the packages the most glaringly obvious solution? I do it all time time for items that are available in my home country but which are not shipped to Belgium. If this was an option for me why an earth would I need a parcel delivery service in the first place?? I did not for a second think that I would expressly need to point it out.

I was flabbergasted that someone would bother to write a reply which basically implies that I'm too thick to think of a solution like that.

Jun 4, 2015 13:38

If an article is not on M&S website: it cannot be available in Belgium.

Jun 4, 2015 15:06

I know, this is exactly the point. The range of articles on the EU web site of M&S is very limited compared to what is available on the UK site. This is why I need to order from the UK site. And orders from the UK site are only delivered to UK addresses.

Jun 4, 2015 15:12

JT2015 - thanks for your post. I just stated what I do. No implication at all but if you want to read int things, then that's up to you.

I see that you are no nearer an answer.

and BTW, M&S made £648 million in profit last year.

Jun 4, 2015 15:59
