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Parcel forwarding services - UK


I want to order something from an UK web site that does not deliver to Belgium. A quick google search resulted in many different services which offer parcel forwarding for precisely this purpose - but there are so many I don't know which one to pick. Does anyone know one they have used and can recommend?


And it honestly did not occur to you AT ALL that I would do what you do if it was at all possible?? So I just want to use a parcel service for the heck of it?

Jun 4, 2015 16:29

So you would do what I'd do, if it were possible. Wow. What a statement. Do you mean that? You don't know me.

The best answers to questions are where the question is very thorough and totally clear, with no ambiguity whatsoever. I don't think yours falls into a decent question category. Don't blame the answers then....

If you would have written the question in a different way then you might have got somewhere. As it stands you have no solution, which seems apt. Actually, I have been thinking about your question and a solution and there are some out there.

Jun 4, 2015 18:12

"So you would do what I'd do, if it were possible. Wow. What a statement. Do you mean that? You don't know me. "

JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY. Ok, English is not my first language (not even my second) but I thought it was 100 % clear that with that statement I meant "I would do what you do WITH YOUR ORDERS FROM UK WEB SHOPS WHICH DO NOT DELIVER TO BELGIUM". I.e. I would ask them to be delivered to my friends or relatives in the UK and then they would "wonder" to the post office. By the way, what do your friends and relatives wonder about? How they ended up being a relative or a friend to such a complete tool?

"Actually, I have been thinking about your question and a solution and there are some out there."

Fantastic; feel completely free to keep them to yourself.

In the end I've decided to give Borderlinx a go, let's see how they do.

Jun 4, 2015 18:30

This is all most entertaining. :-D But to get back to the original question: I have used both forward2me and Borderlinx and both were fine. There are so many of these services that it is difficult to choose. So I suggest just giving one of them a go and if you are not happy with the service, move on to the next one.

Jun 4, 2015 18:40

No, you were not clear, not because of the language excuse but because of the amount of information given, which is why you then had to come back and clarify.

The word "wonder" has many senses and the way in which I used it was correct. In another sense, though, they wonder about many things but none of this would be relevant.....Thankfully, no interpretation for this word can be linked to being a relative. As for being a complete tool, my friends have tools but I doubt that I'm one of them (the car lives in the garage).

After your posts and attitude....come on!

Anyway, you now have a solution, so "over and out". Entertaining, indeed!

Jun 4, 2015 20:20

I think Stonemanor is a good option

Jun 14, 2015 23:19
