Search Q&A
My husband and I wish to have wills drawn up incorporating the option to enact our national (uk/English) law giving us the right to opt out of the normal allocation under Napoleonic law.
Considering installing a new water softner and seek recommendations. I recall there was previously a question on this, but cannot find back with search function.
Does anyone know where I can buy a 'TRUMP - Make America Great Again' cap from in Brussels?
Got a contract in Belgium. They need a "liability insurance". What is the easiest way I can satisfy this requirement, with the minimum of upfront cash?
See BBC2 programme this morning on Victoria Derbyshire's programme
Dear all,
My upstairs neighbour is an old lady who loves watching very loud tv starting 11 p.m. every night. She watches anywhere till 2 a.m. to 5 a.m.
Has anyone applied Belgian citizenship recently? I have applied in late September last year, and almost 4 months over got no news so far. what is the average wait time for this process?
Anyone know what happened to the traffic this morning unusually bad because people were being told avoid the RO but I can't discover why that was