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We have sold our house and are scheduled to move out, to our new house in Germany on Wednesday 25 March. The removal company is due to come here from Germany to pack and pick up our stuff.
Hi, I ordered something from Amazon UK last week which should have been delivered today.
To reduce a long story to a short question, if I sign a contract with Telenet, will I be able to move to another provider one month later?
So since we moved in we have had serious issues with out landlord making trouble for us.
hi, how can i know if i have to pay any traffic violation coz i have been controlled 2 weeks ago while riding a poppy scooter in opposite direction thinking i can ride a scooter on a cycle track, a
I went to a supermarket in Brussels recently before the lockdown was announced. I noticed then there was a shortage of toiletpaper, flour and some canned goods.
Hi, Does anyone know where i can buy the Financial Times Weekend edition in Brussels? preferably somewhere in Ixelles, but anywhere would be great if you know. Thanks