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Sixty joggers request opening of royal domain in Laeken

15:10 03/04/2017

About 60 people on Sunday took part in a group jog around the Belgian Royal Palace in Laeken, as part of an official request to open part of the domain to the public, reports De Standaard.

The initiative comes from Brussels sp.a MEP Hannelore Goeman, who is supported by the Brussels mayor Yvan Mayeur and political parties Groen/Ecolo and Open VLD.

"The royal estate is enormous, but not open to the public," explains Goeman. "The park, which is as big as 297 football fields, is located in one of the greyest and most densely populated areas of the capital."

Goeman says her Flemish socialist party (sp.a) will submit a proposal in the House and Senate to allow public access to the domain. The Belgian Buildings Agency will then conduct a feasibility study.

The sp.a politician wants to make the group run an annual event, for as long as it takes to gain access to the park.

Written by Robyn Boyle



While I totally agree with the initiative, the statement "is located in one of the greyest ... areas of the capital" is a bit weak. There is a huge, lovely, public park, across the street from the Palace on the north, stretching to the Atomium.

Apr 4, 2017 12:15
Marc Slonik

Totally agree with Tim. On top - the park across the street is quite popular among the joggers and hosts a number of running events. Most famously the Brussels Ekiden, but also a number of others like Gaston Roelants Corrida, so I would expect the joggers to be familiar with the place.
Having said that - I also fully support the idea of opening up the royal garden or at least part of it to the public.

Apr 13, 2017 11:31