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Wage watchers: how much does an architect earn?

16:53 02/10/2013

Architect Ronny Custermans, 38, from Houthalen talks about what he earns and how he spends it



What do you do for a living?

I am an architect-cum-manager at WeBuild, an architecture firm in Houthalen, Limburg province. We build mainly office and commercial premises and industrial buildings as well as single-family houses and larger ones.

Do you enjoy your work?

With a decennial liability hanging over our heads on a daily basis it’s best if we enjoy it! It gives me great satisfaction to start every time from a blank sheet of paper – well, a computer nowadays – and to come up with something different for every project. I don’t even mind the headaches it can give me. The day that I don’t enjoy this job is the day that I’ll stop.

What do you think of your salary?

As manager, I determine how much I can give myself salary-wise, taking into acount how much I need for my private life. I take home between €1,700 and €2,350 after tax. Then there are a few perks, such as a company car, group insurance and mobile phone. I only take what is necessary for me and I leave as much as possible to the company, so as to make the necessary investments, which we might need in the future. My employees’ wages always come first.

Would you look elsewhere if the money was better?

It is important that you enjoy doing your job and that you feel comfortable doing it. Wages come second, after job satisfaction; which changes nothing to the fact that you must be justly rewarded for the work you do. But going to work with no motivation and wait for the clock to strike five o’clock is not for me.

Do you save?

Yes, to invest in real estate. Which basically means first and foremost saving for the future, and is a virtually risk-free investment. In the long term, real estate prices will always rise. Besides that we also try to save a bit more on the side.

What does the biggest part of your salary go towards?

Same as for many Belgians: paying back my real estate investments.

Has the economic crisis affected you?

I think we’ve all become somewhat more careful with what we spend, how we spend it and how much we save. Anyway, it’s never a bad thing to save something for a rainy day. Less profitable investments a very low on my list of priorities, and I’ve also got rid of unnecessary expenditures.

What do you resent parting with your money for?

On irrelevant, meaningless things, tat, kitsch stuff - and gambling.

What will you gladly pay good money for?

Having fun with friends, family and business contacts. The finer things in life really: leisure, travel, clothing, art, sailing...

Do you have any dreams?

What dream of must always be within your capabilities. You should always have a prospect where you want to keep growing. I am currently helping our next project materialise: the design and construction of a new own home. Our last project was the launch of a specialist lingerie shop in Houthalen.

( mr / mb )

Written by The Bulletin



"With a decennial liability hanging over our heads".

Translation, please?? This is the sort of nonsense I have to try to understand at work.

Oct 3, 2013 21:23
Paul_Hadlee Oct 4, 2013 13:32

Placement of all savings in real estate is a mistake values in belgium are inflated and may fall later ...a balanced mixture of investment instruments gives buffering against such an event, and financial instruments can be liquidated in the event of sudden unanticipated need...

Oct 5, 2013 22:09