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Which word is appropriate



I am in an international marriage and speak English with my spouse. Neither of us are native English speakers. We have a young daughter whom we speak to in our native languages and we are not sure which word to use for her private parts. I thought 'Fanny' was the right age appropriate word like 'Willy' for a boy, but doing a quick search online it seems that it 'Fanny' apparently is a vulgar slang term in English . Can anyone please enlighten me on this and if 'Fanny' is no good, which age appropriate word would you use instead for a toddler

Thanks in advance for all answers


"Fanny" is not particularly vulgar at all, certainly not to me as a native (British) English speaker.

Sep 5, 2016 10:22

Fanny has become old-fashioned, I think, "Pussy" is perhaps a better alternative?

Sep 5, 2016 10:29

No no no! Pussy is NOT a better alternative!! That is entirely sexual and very rude in terms of a girls private bits. Absolutely NOT appropriate in terms of mentioning a child's bits. Eek! No!

Sep 5, 2016 10:33

Ask a psychologist or a doctor. It's best to use a matter-of-fact word than a euphemism or slang.

Sep 5, 2016 10:44

I think some people say 'foof' nowadays. Or you could just be factual and say 'vulva'.

Sep 5, 2016 11:47

I believe that giving children the tools to describe their anatomy is extremely important. I used the actual word, which my kids shortened to 'giny.'

Sep 5, 2016 13:08

I believe that giving children the tools to describe their anatomy is extremely important. I used the actual word, which my kids shortened to 'giny.'

Sep 5, 2016 13:09


Sep 5, 2016 13:30

Surely the important thing is not what you call it, but that everyone knows what you are talking about when whatever word you settle on is used.
The problem with using 'fanny' - which I happen to think is totally inappropriate for a toddler - is that, to an American, it applies to and is no more vulgar than 'bum' whereas to an English speaker it applies to the vagina.
Perhaps the simplest answer is to use whatever is age-appropriate in either/both of your mother tongues and let her make her own decision as she gets older when, presumably, she will only be talking about it to her mother.

Sep 5, 2016 14:00

A British English speaker does not refer to the female genital area as a vagina, either. That's what Americans do, incorrectly. Having done a swift straw poll with two work colleagues and my wife, all native British English speakers, we see nothing wrong with willy and fanny. Isn't this fun? :-)

Sep 5, 2016 14:40
