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Which word is appropriate



I am in an international marriage and speak English with my spouse. Neither of us are native English speakers. We have a young daughter whom we speak to in our native languages and we are not sure which word to use for her private parts. I thought 'Fanny' was the right age appropriate word like 'Willy' for a boy, but doing a quick search online it seems that it 'Fanny' apparently is a vulgar slang term in English . Can anyone please enlighten me on this and if 'Fanny' is no good, which age appropriate word would you use instead for a toddler

Thanks in advance for all answers


Oh, pee pee was just suggested. :-))

Sep 5, 2016 15:05

I wouldn't use the word fanny, I'm British and I use the word vagina, I find fanny vulgar but the main problem is my children know several girls called Fanny and it's hard to use the word as a result for vagina. If you're in a French area and not so many Fanny girls around, then it is probably fine.

Foof is fine. Privates is fine. But really use the words in your language too.

Sep 5, 2016 18:25

Mickey and Minnie of course!

Sep 6, 2016 10:53

Dear Parents,

Thank you for feeling open to asking this question; it shows that you care about your child enough to want the best for him/her.

Please know that the best way to speak about our private parts to a child is with the correct anatomical terms. In this way, you can teach your children from a very young age about appropriate behaviours, without vulgarity or introducing shame into your child's' life.

You decide how much to explain and when- but the terms we use for our privates should be clear and non-confusing.

Girls have a vulva and a vagina, and boys have a penis and testes.

Best of luck and health to you and your young family!

Sep 6, 2016 11:00

Nothing wrong with the word penis and vagina but if you want a name maybe penny or tuppence is less bulgar than funny.

Sep 6, 2016 23:28

I am Irish and I would find both the words 'fanny' and 'pussy' very inappropriate and vulgar for a child to use.

I agree with those who suggest use the correct terms 'vulva' or 'vagina' or make up your own word.

Sep 9, 2016 20:08

The best to discribe is flower. Look at the flower it show fiminity.

Sep 11, 2016 13:17
