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City of Brussels opens general housing office
The City of Brussels on Monday opened a general housing office where residents can go to learn their rights as tenants or landlords, and to ask questions about living in the city, reports brusselnieuws.be. The Property Management Agency is centrally located at 41 Place de Brouckère.
The general housing office, which employs three people, meets a need in Brussels by offering support for both tenants and landlords. It offers, for example, information on waiting lists for social housing in the city, mediation between home owners and renters, help with finding a place to rent or buy, and information about renovation subsidies, among other services. The agency also keeps a close eye on the city’s ever-changing housing market.
*Tus maith leath na h-oibre...
*It's a good start(in Irish) , but with only three staff, it will soon be overwhelmed..
The Brussels City fathers should ask the Federal Government for financial support.
**Go n-éiri leo
**.I wish them well.(in Irish)