Content by tag : animals
As of now, all chickens in Belgium – from the biggest poultry farms to backyard chicken coops – must be properly contained as avian influenza has been detected in Ostend.
Police seized around 30 animals from a so-called educational farm on Rue Saint-Denis on the border between Anderlecht and Forest in Brussels on Tuesday evening.
If you’re looking for a therapist who is a great listener, Iris is naturally gifted. She is calm, consoling and non-judgmental.
Another wolf from the litter born in Limburg last spring has been killed by a moving vehicle.
The Brussels mounted police are looking for five good homes for horses that have reached the end of their careers.
With the addition of five new members, the bonobos at the Antwerp Zoo now number 18, the second largest group of the apes in Europe.
Bruges is certainly finding novel ways to bring down its citizens’ blood pressure as the coronavirus rages, heat waves wash over the land, and a federal government proves impossible to come by.
Soon a sniffer dog will not only be able to detect the marijuana in your backpack but also if you are infected with Covid-19.
New footage from wildlife cameras has confirmed that Flanders’ wolf pair, Noëlla and August, have four pups.