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Content by tag : animals


It’s worth remembering that a pet is for life. It’s a serious responsibility as well as a financial and time commitment.


A pheasant was caught on camera this weekend in Saint-Gilles, not exactly a normal sight for the densely populated municipality in Brussels.


A baby hippopotamus has been born in animal park Pairi Daiza.


Taxidermist Ellen Carlier works to stuff a wild dog for a new gallery planned for the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels.


First it was wolves, now it is otters.


With rolling green fields home to 1.2 million grazing cattle, Wallonia is rightly proud of its beef. The region is now promoting one of its best home-grown assets abroad.


As expected, August and Noella have found each other. Based on nocturnal footage recorded by the Flemish Agency for Nature and Woods, the two wolves have paired up.


Baby pandas and an extended winter opening have helped Pairi Daiza animal park achieve a record 2.16 million visitors last season, management have said.

European grey wolf-Getty

A wolf is suspected to have killed one domestic kangaroo and injured another during a nocturnal attack over Christmas in the northeast region of Belgium, a wildlife specialist has reported to AFP
