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Content by tag : Belgium


As of 2012, there were 5,326 non-Belgian doctors with an active INAMI number working in Belgium, according to figures from the FPS Health.


In 2014 and 2015, about 8,000 cases of violence were registered against police officers in Belgium, writes La Libre Belgique.


The federal government, in close collaboration with the regional governments, is working on the creation of a joint marketing campaign aimed at polishing up Belgium's image abroad.


Since the terror attacks of 22 March, foreign students are less likely to study in Belgium, notes exchange organisation AFS.


Belgium's Prince Amedeo and his wife Elisabetta (Lili) Rosboch von Wolkenstein became parents for the first time after the birth of their daughter early Tuesday morning, announced the Royal Palace


During the sixth edition of the Diamond Theme Park Awards on Tuesday, Belgium's Walibi was selected as the country's best amusement park.


Brussels minister for road safety Bianca Debaets wants to include two additional first aid lessons in the theoretical driving test.


In a prison in the Belgian town of Merksplas, in Antwerp province, on Saturday about 200 inmates occupied the courtyard, igniting fires and throwing stones, report various Belgian media.


Secretary of state for asylum and migration Theo Francken has doubled the severance payment offered to Iraqi asylum seekers in Belgium who return to their country voluntarily by the end of May, wr
