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Content by tag : Belgium


Mexican drug lord Ezio Benjamin Figueroa-Vasquez alledgedly convinced seven Belgian pharmaceutical manufacturers to sell him large quantities of drugs, write various Belgian media.


Ten years after the introduction of Belgium's Weapons Act, there are 647,388 weapons in the central arms register (CWR).


One of the two Titan Arums at Belgium's National Botanic Garden in Meise is in bloom again.


From the end of March, self-driving lorries will be seen on Belgium's motorways in a pilot project to test the feasibility of the system in Belgium, reports Het Nieuwsblad.


Selor, the selection agency of the federal government, is tasked with recruiting 30 additional agents for Belgium's State Security department.


Nearly one in four drivers in Belgium is not familiar with the concept of zipper merging, according to a survey conducted by the Belgian Road Safety Institute (BRSI).


Belgium's prime minister Charles Michel has committed to signing an agreement with Morocco on the exchange of digital fingerprints.


Gwendolyn Rutten, leader of the Flemish liberal party Open VLD, wants primary schools in Flanders to introduce the English language into their curriculum.


Last year, nearly 9,000 additional people opted for time credit, one type of leave provided by the Belgian social security system for employees in the private sector.
