Content by tag : Belgium
Bruges was, for the third year in a row, selected as the best destination in Belgium for a city trip, according to the Dutch web blog Zoover.
With an average net worth of €450,000, Belgian households are among the wealthiest in Europe, according to a study by ING.
Prince Laurent earlier this month refunded €16,000 to the Belgian state, three months after it was discovered that the prince had unlawfully included private spending in official expenses.
In 2015, nearly 15 million international tourists visited the Netherlands, an increase of 7% compared to the previous year, according to a report that NBTC Holland Marketing released on Tues
News of the constellation registered by Brussels radio station Studio Brussel and Belgium's MIRA Public Observatory in honour of the late musician David Bowie has been picked up by various i
Dry weather, sun and snow in Belgium's Eastern Cantons and Luxembourg province today prompted the opening of 23 ski resorts.
Iodine tablets should to be distributed to all inhabitants of Belgium in a preventive measure in the case of nuclear disaster, urges the country's Scientific Council.
Last year, 69,282 old Belgian franc notes were exchanged for euros.
In Belgium last year, 6.4% more homes were sold than in 2014, according to the 2015 Notary Barometer released by the Royal Federation of Belgian Notaries (KFBN).