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Content by tag : Food


Belgium's three biggest supermarket chains have reduced the sugar and fat content in 3,300 products in just one year, according to a new report.


Thanks to a healthy population of Italians and Belgo-Italians, the Brussels food scene has no shortage of ristorantes, trattorias and, of course, pizzerias serving steaming hot rounds of dough, to


When it comes to Belgium’s sweet side, there’s so much more to its culinary talents than pralines and waffles.


Brussels residents spend less on food, including when they eat out, than the rest of Belgium, according to a study of the buying habits of more than 1,000 people across the country.


For apple farmers across Belgium, 2017 is turning out to be a 'disaster year', with estimates showing that two thirds less apples will be harvested compared to last year, which was al


Supermarket chains Albert Heijn, Colruyt and Delhaize have preventively removed eggs from their Belgian stores after a slightly increased concentration of toxic fipronil was discovere


Belgians consume an average of 6,000 tons of North Sea shrimp every year. Fishermen pull some 35,000 tons of the shrimp from the sea annually.


The Belgian restaurant chain Balls & Glory wants to open 50 new restaurants by 2025, including one in New York city, says founder Wim Ballieu (pictured


A team of about 20 confectioners gathered in Verviers, Liège province, on Sunday morning and spent three hours creating the longest filled chocolate eclair ever made.
