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Cycle for Future with fellow Europeans on 10 September
There will be a lot more cycle traffic on 10 September than usual in the capital: Youth for Climate has invited activists from neighbouring countries to cycle to Brussels to take part in a massive collective bike ride.
Cycle for Future will start at Bois de la Cambre, from where cyclists will make their way to the European parliament. Representatives from participating countries will then address the crowd. It should be a noisy, boisterous affair, with Youth for Climate suggesting participants bring flags, music or any other entertainment they see fit.
Everyone is invited to take part in Cycle for Future. “The climate crisis is now,” writes Youth for Climate on the event page. “Join climate activists from the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg, who have cycled to the European capital. We want to put the focus on the climate crisis, demand more than just co-operation within the European Union and with other countries, and call for transformation of the way we deal with transport.”
Environmental marches and protest actions stalled during the coronavirus crisis, but are heating up again in the wake of a devastating climate report released earlier this week by the UN. Cycle for Future is a kick-off to a new period of demonstrations, including a school strike on 24 September and a major march organised by Coalition Climat on 10 October.
The actions proceed the next UN Climate Change Conference, which takes place from 31 October to 12 November in Glasgow.
Photo ©Nicolas Maeterlinck/BELGA