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No Brussels Beach this year, but say yes to Hello Summer

16:00 26/04/2019

First the bad news: There will be no Brussels Beach in 2019. Now the good news: It’s being replaced by Hello Summer, a nomadic festival that will hit four spots in the capital.

Brussels Beach is the hugely popular canalside event that takes place for several weeks every summer (pictured). Sand, umbrellas, cocktails, sport and all manner of music and activities turn both sides of the Brussels canal north of Sainctelette into an urban beach bum’s paradise. Last summer, 380,000 people stopped in.

Sadly, this summer works in the area – the canal is an urban renewal hot spot – will make Brussels Beach impossible. So Brussels-City is hosting Hello Summer instead.

Hello Summer will spend three days in four locations. It kicks off on 25 July in the garden of the Cité administrative de l’État on Boulevard Pachéco, followed by Ambiorix Square in the European quarter. Next up will be Place Peter Benoit in Neder-Over-Heembeek, and it will finish up towards the end of August in Prince Léopold Square in Laeken.

What exactly Hello Summer will look like is up to each neighbourhood, so no two will be alike.

Written by Lisa Bradshaw