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12,500 students join second weekly climate march
An estimated 12,500 students - from both French and Dutch-speaking schools - skipped lessons on Thursday for the second week running for a major climate march in the centre of Brussels.
The turnout was four times higher than the previous Thursday's inaugural march, which had attracted 3,000 mainly Flemish school pupils calling for a more ambitious climate policy.
The students gathered in the wind and rain outside Brussels Central station for a two-hour march around the cty centre, led by the Youth for Climate initiative.
They brandished signs with slogans including: "There is no planet B", "Make love not CO²" and "Blah blah blah, act now".
15-year-old protester Carlyi Brandi told The Bulletin: "My parents fully support us. We can try to come every week. Everything is destroyed now and if we keep doing it, we will lose our country, our world, all the nature and have less food."
Her friend Jacquelyn Deferm added: "This way we can send a message to the politicians to take action, to not just let this happen, and protect our future."
Photo: Nicolas Maeterlinck/Belga
take your "Be Cool stop global warming" posters to China, India, Russia etc....where the real problem is
This problem has created because of technological advancement and increment in population. But many geologists and biologist have suggested different ways to prevent global warming and I am very happy to see the students march against these problems. Because they are usually stuck in the projects and commonly they are looking for essay writers in Pakistan and in other countries but they managed their time for the march. I Hope that your march will solve these problems.
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