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Belgian houses showing their age

More than half (53 percent) of the houses in Belgium are older than 52 years, and more than half of the apartment buildings (52 percent) are older than 43 years, according to figures from the Finance Ministry, writes French-language daily Le Soir . The figures also show that more than one in five (...

Walloon village welcomes actor Depardieu

Celebrated French actor Gerard Depardieu has been named honorary citizen of the tiny village of Néchin (pop. 2,200) in western Belgium near the French border, where he bought a villa earlier this year. Depardieu's official housewarming took place this past weekend with some 200 guests from Néchin...

Top summer at coast but still complaints

Despite the beautiful weather and crowds of tourists this summer, the season has been surprisingly slow for the restaurant and hotel industry. This year tourists are spending significantly less, according to a survey by Unizo, the organisation that represents the self-employed. Restaurant owners...

Meet the new US ambassador to Belgium

Denise Bauer, the new ambassador of the United States to Belgium, arrived in the country over the weekend. She follows up former ambassador Howard Gutman, who had come to the end of his mandate. Bauer is from California and was a fundraiser for the presidential campaigns of U.S. President Barack...

Gordel leaderboard August 2013

Pilots call Wathelet's plan 'dangerous'

Belgian pilots are unhappy with a statement by Melchior Wathelet in which the State Secretary for Environment, Energy and Mobility expresses his intention to higher the maximum allowed tailwind at Brussels Airport, from 5 to 7 knots for take off and landing. "Everyone's safety is at risk," said the...

Belgian prince rents island for 'wedding of the year'

On September 7, the little-known Belgian Prince Hadrien de Croÿ (32) is set to marry Jacqueline-Ariadrie Desmarais (23), the wealthy granddaughter of former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. For the occasion, the couple has privately rented the island of Sainte-Hélène in Montreal for three...

Laeken Palace plainly visible in Google Maps

Google Maps' satellite images reveal all the secrets of the Belgian Royal Palace in Laeken, while, for security reasons, surveillance of the royal domain is strictly prohibited since 1954. Nonetheless, Google Maps provides stunning satellite photos of the royal domain, including the castle and its...

Disability benefits often misused

"Health insurance physicians are often too easily swayed by patients who pretend to be disabled," says Rufij Baeke of the Syndicate of General Practitioners. His comment comes in response to the same conclusion of Unizo topman Karel Van Eetvelt, who advocates a stricter approach to long-term...

King Philippe Biography coming soon

It was barely a month ago that he took the oath and there's already a biography of King Philippe set to come out in early September. Authors Barend Leyts, Brigitte Balfoort and Mark Van den Wijngaert reconstruct in the book how the Crown Prince worked his way up to the throne through trial and...
