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I have an admission to a Belgian university. Was suppose to marry my Belgian girlfriend bit she insist o come with a Student visa for is to marry in Belgoum wholes I study.
I have received a letter from my UK bank with a bunch of forms to be filled in, supposedly because the bank needs the information to establish whether my information should be shared with the local
can you recommend a painter/handyman to get an apartment in Brussels ready for the "état des lieux de sortie", mostly paint work?
Thank you.
Hi all the old iPhone 5c or is it 5s died suddenly today and battery percentage is swinging up and down all the time.
My daughter (bilingual Fre/Eng) wishes to apply for a business/management undergraduate course in Belgium. How does she do this?
Could anyone recommend a way if doing this in Brussels?
Thank you
I am thinking of selling my house in the UK, will I have to pay taxes in Belgium ?