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Schaerbeek skyscraper Brusilia celebrates 50th anniversary with Tower Run

08:16 16/08/2024

Belgian architect Jacques Cuisinier’s iconic tower of flats built in a curve in Schaerbeek, the Brusilia, will be half a century old next mont and to mark the occasion, on 22 September (car-free Sunday), Schaerbeek commune is organising the Tower Run.

This will give anyone the chance to climb 34 floors as quickly as possible to enjoy the view from the top.

The Brusilia dominates the junction between Avenue Louis Bertrand and Avenue Voltaire near Schaerbeek’s Josaphat park and is around the corner from the beautifully renovated 1953-built swimming pool Neptunium.

Built from 1967 to 1970, Brusilia was officially opened in 1974, on the grounds of Schaerbeek's former Palais du Sports – a sports and entertainment complex graced by Mick Jagger just before it was knocked down.

Some 100 metres high, it was the tallest apartment building in Belgium until 2014, with the inauguration of the luxury and far less architecturally interesting UP-site building by the canal.

If you have not managed to enter this semi-circular Modernist wonder or any of its beautiful flats boasting endless light and incredible 360-degree views from its terraces on a guided walk or heritage day, you can sign up for this special run.

The goal is to climb the semi-open stairwell to the 34th floor and back in 30 minutes. Schaerbeek municipality asks participants not to linger more than a minute on the upper floors. It emphasises that this is not a competition, but that those taking part can record their personal time by scanning a QR code.

Registration is compulsory and open until 20 September, but places are expected to sell out fast. The four time slots between 11.30 and 13.00 will enable 50 people to take part. The cost of this once in a lifetime challenge is €6. Children 8 to 16 go free of charge and can be accompanied by one adult.

Anyone who prefers to walk up the stairs instead can do so in four time slots from 14.30 to 16.00. This option also requires prior booking.

The event will further feature a free dance show from ‘vertical dance’ company Laterrateral. The show will take place at 14.00 and 17.00 on Brusilia’s facade, very high up the building.

For refreshments, Brusilia’s garden will be the scene of an old-style open air café (guinguette).

Written by Liz Newmark