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Super speed cameras to triple in Brussels
Brussels plans to triple the number of Lidars – also called ‘super speed cameras’ – in the streets from two to six. The large-scale speed cameras can record a car’s speed from a relatively far distance in both directions.
The cameras (pictured) are mobile and are moved from street to street. Much of Brussels is a 30k/h zone, and the cameras have been effective at keeping speeders under control, according to the capital’s state secretary for traffic safety, Bianca Debaets.
Lidars can be reserved by police zones, which then tend to place them in areas known for fast-driving traffic. Schaerbeek has been using one in the Chaussée de Haecht where a young woman was hit by a car and killed in November. The device recently clocked a driver going more than 100 k/h in the street.
“We are going to increase the number to six,” a spokesperson for Debaets told Bruzz. “Then every police zone will have its own speed camera and won’t have to reserve them, which sometimes leads to a waiting period of several weeks. Every police zone can now manage its own Lidar.”
Photo: Nicolas Maeterlinck/BELGA