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Traffic plan approved for Leopold II tunnel closure
The Brussels-Capital Region has decided on a traffic plan that will be enforced during the renovations to the Leopold II tunnel, which begins on 1 May. The tunnel will remain open in May and June but be completely closed to traffic in July and August.
The Leopold II tunnel runs from the Basilique in Koekelberg all the way to Sainctelette. During May and June, works will be carried out overnight, with the tunnel closed from 22.00 to 6.00. It has to be closed round the clock for the other two summer months because asbestos will be removed from the infrastructure.
There is much less traffic during July and August, but commuters are warned to expect delays nevertheless. A new traffic plan has been approved during the renovations of the tunnel.
On Avenue Charles Quint – which leads traffic into Brussels from the E40 and the ring road – and Avenue du Panthéon and Avenue des Gloires Nationales, which circle the Basilique, there will be one lane open to regular traffic. A second lane will be open to busses and carpools with at least two passengers. This will be the case in both directions on those thoroughfares.
More buses
Mobility minister Pascal Smet has arranged with his Flemish counterpart to increase the number of De Lijn busses that will travel this thoroughfare, especially on weekdays. In addition, each side of the thoroughfares will be separated by two bike lanes, one in each direction. Smet hopes that these measures will encourage commuters to use public transport or cycle to work.
On 1 July, when the tunnel closes completely to traffic, additional measures will come into force, including a round-a-bout at Sainctelette and a bus lane all the way to Sainctelette. In September, the tunnel will open to normal traffic.
But the renovations will not be complete. The tunnel will also be closed during the summers of 2019 and 2020, with the traffic plan brought back, with adjustments as needed.
Leopold II is the longest tunnel in Belgium at just over 2.5 kilometres. Some 80,000 cars a day pass through the tunnel. The renovations cost a total of €282 million. Another €180 million has been made available for maintenance for the next 25 years.
Photo: Eric Lalmand/BELGA